About us

Our goal

Help IT teams and companies at high speed to successfully develop their projects

200+ successful projects from 48 countries
4.97+ average review rating on Trustpilot
32 niches that have expertise
11 professionals on staff

What we do

AffArts will select a team of specialists and develop a top design specifically for the goals and objectives of your project, in a format that works best for you.

We always focus on fast and efficient results. Nothing is superfluous - only pleasant modern design and the features you need for users, search engines and your business.

Design for Retainer products

Design for Retainer products

A team of UX/UI designers, art director and product manager is ready to start working on your project this coming Monday!

from 1420 $ from 1 sprint

Marketplace and e-commerce design

Marketplace and e-commerce design

Users leave your resource without making purchases? We will design an interface that will solve this problem, and the majority of site visitors will turn into buyers.

from 1120 $ from 12 days

Corporate website design

Corporate website design

Need to stand out from your competitors? We can help! We will create a presentable and convenient corporate website specifically for your project.

from 1055 $ from 10 days

SaaS design

SaaS design

You will receive a bright digital product that will help you not only stand out from your competitors, but also attract new users through a user-friendly interface.

from 1260 $ from 3 days

CRM and Dashboard design

CRM and Dashboard design

CRM and Dashboard should help you run your business, speed up and simplify processes. We know how to make a mega user-friendly interface to suit the needs of all members of your team - be it a funder, CEO, owner or an ordinary employee.

from 1030 $ from 12 days

iOS/Android mobile app design

iOS/Android mobile app design

AffArts creates only custom mobile apps based on user experience and current development trends.

from 1500 $ from 16 days

Front end development

Front end development

Are users leaving your site without making a purchase? We will design an interface that will solve this problem, and the majority of site visitors will turn into buyers.

from 1280 $ from 14 days

UX/UI analysis

UX/UI analysis

Do you want to know how comfortable it is for users to interact with your site? Where are the strengths and weaknesses of the design?

from 690 $ from 7 days

Redesign of your site

Redesign of your site

We will redesign your product and help you improve its performance. The new site will provide more traffic and high conversion, and a unique design solution will help you stand out.

from 1055 $ from 14 days

Content project design

Content project design

AffArts knows what type of structure is needed for content projects and what needs to be paid attention to in the interface for a blog or website review.

from 340 $ from 5 days

Landing Page Design

Landing Page Design

In a short time, we will make a unique landing page, customized for requests. No templates - we create a design from scratch according to your wishes!

from 470 $ from 7 days

120+ companies from 48 countries
became our clients

In 2 years of work we have done many cool projects for companies from 48 countries.
Thanks to this we have greatly pumped up our expertise in different areas.

Are you a product or do you need a team?

We select a team specifically for your project. We work in two-week sprints using Agile methodology - we divide the process into several parts, report on the progress every day and in just two weeks we get the planned result.

In this way, you will have a design that meets the needs of your business in a short space of time. You can take a test sprint first - many companies start there, and once they get to know us, they become our regular customers.


Conduct a competitive audit of your niche to help it stand out. We do a web design for a web landing page, a niche website MVP or a SaaS service.

SEO specialists

We understand the importance of YMYL E-A-T factors. We know why affiliate tables are necessary for a project and what factors influence google traffic to a page. Furthermore, we understand why headlines need to be marked in the design, what a linking block is, and the specifics of localizing a project.

We create web designs for review sites, for Amazon, for niche product resources and marketplaces, as well as for PPC linings.


We can work on a "all the glory to you - we're in the shadows" basis. We can become your design department or strengthen an existing one. AffArts strives to work on the principle of long-term collaboration, so we aim only for the best possible results.


We make a quality and unique website that will bring profit to your business. Create a presentable design with a selling and effective structure. If you already have a website, we can help with design support.

Site owners

We provide design support for existing resources. We can perform UX/UI analysis of your website or online shop. Suggest how to improve your resource to make it more profitable.


We make a PPC landing page that is guaranteed to attract the target audience. We also design applications tailored to the niche and the uprooting of the footfall.

What they say about us

We have gone from orders on the Fiverr freelance platform to working with large companies. AffArts is now working all over the world. Our clients include companies from Singapore, France, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Belgium, USA, Great Britain, India, Israel.

Many clients, having contacted AffArts once, stay with us for a long time.

Our main resource and advantage is our team



Co-founder, CMO



Co-founder, CEO, Head of Design






Graphic designer

Vika Tyshenko



Yulia Kazarova



Oleg Severovsky



Sema Vinogradov












Оксана Башта








Full-stack developer



Front-end developer

For you it's simple and transparent process

Briefing and interviews

Briefing and interviews



Development and support

Development and support

Planning and design

Planning and design

We start by preparing a list of important questions, record screencasts for the briefing, and then call you via Zoom or Google Meet. This allows us to understand what you expect to receive and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your project.

Afterward, we conduct a competitor analysis and identify the best design solutions to help your product stand out.

When working on the design, we take into account the requirements of SEO specialists, rely on a niche study and competitor analysis. We create a unique Data Driven design so that all elements can be easily adapted to different device sizes. All of this is packaged in a user-friendly design system that is easy to maintain and expand.

Once your project is up and running, our team stays by your side: helping, explaining, fixing, improving and suggesting ideas. We care - AffArts is always ready to help your project grow.

At this stage, we agree on a plan, fix deadlines and prices, so that you know exactly when you will receive the design and how much you will pay for it.

Based on your wishes and requirements, we design a prototype of the future website or app interface. We take into account the brand-message you want to convey and prioritize the design to make it as attractive and functional as possible.

Watch the presentations
of our main areas

How can we help?
Design for Retainer products
Marketplace and e-commerce design
Corporate website design
SaaS design
CRM and Dashboard design
iOS/Android mobile app design
Front end development
UX/UI analysis
Redesign of your site
Content project design
Landing Page Design
Let's discuss your project
Just getting started
We have branding / corporate identity
We have a ready design
Conducted UX research and prepared a wireframe
Conducted UX research and prepared a wireframe
Rate the project
up to 5 thousand
5 -10 thousand
10 - 30 thousand
30-60 thousand
More than 60 thousand

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